I think she (DD) likes them. Doesn't make me want to knit socks though.

Finally done and I wore it today. DD wants to borrow it, so I guess that's a compliment.
After all that tedious edging, the bind off was too tight and I had to REDO THE WHOLE OUTSIDE EDGE!!! I couldn't use dpns like I did on the second underarm (which worked great btw) but since there were soooo many stitches packed on they didn't get all crossed up on the cable like before. Plus I used my Harmony interchangeables instead of my Addi Natura's and they are smoother so the stitches moved along more easily. I bound off with bigger needles and it came out much better. I didn't make the ties, but decided I did want a front closure of some sort and found a pretty silver dogwood blossom pin that belonged to my grandmother that's perfect. The color in this picture has a strange purple cast - the actual color is more like the progress shot a few posts ago.
I started yet another project in Cotton Ease - (I really should have washed something to see if it holds up. Hope there are no nasty surprises on laundry day) Salt Peanuts from Interweave Knits Spring 2004. This one is heavily modified. I knit the body in one piece to the underarms which was easy to figure out - I just took out the selvedge stitches and combined all the instructions. When I divided for the fronts and back at the armholes things got hairy. Someone on Ravelry said "Holy complicated shaping Batman!" I couldn't have said it better myself. Migraine inducing, and I'm not sure I got it exactly right. There was some vagueness in a spot or two that I may or may not have interpreted correctly and may or may not have done the same way on both fronts. I tried it on after doing a 3-needle bind off for the shoulders and it seems to be okay. (Small rant: why would a pattern chock full of short rows NOT use them for the shoulders? No biggie to figure out myself but I did find it odd.) I've picked the stitches up for sleeve #1 and am using Barbara Walker's method to knit the sleeve cap from the top down (more short rows.) I had to redo it once - my gauge is a bit tighter when only knitting (no purling) so I had to go up a needle size to keep it from being a bit snug.
I've also made one Christmas present mug cozy from leftover gold Aurora 8. Picture to come eventually.
Hmmm, after my recent rip-fest, I'm not sure what's left on my to-do list for this year. Let's see!
- Shawl-collared vest COMPLETE
- Fix DH's sweater DONE
- Finish Tangled Yoke DONE
- Toggles on CPH (will wait 'til fall)
- Finish Malabrigo sweater FROGGED
- Finish Silky Wool sweater FROGGED
- Finish Cotton Patiné top FROGGED
- Bird's Nest shawl (UFO - 33% completed) (will work on this summer)
- Heartland shawl (UFO - maybe 15% completed) (ditto)
- Lamb's Pride cardigan FROGGED
- Einstein coat (UFO - about 60% completed) (will pick up in the fall)
- Celtic Knot FROGGED
That's 8 UFO's/projects dealt with since the first of the year. I'm not positive I will finish the shawls or the Einstein this year, but I do plan to make some progress anyway.
No regrets so far about the ripping out. I think it has freed me up to knit some stuff that I can wear right now. As soon as I finish Salt Peanuts, I have a ginormous skein of Sugar 'n Cream in a pretty cinnamon shade to make a summer top with. I really like 'Becky' in Debbie Bliss Summer Essentials which I'm going to try to find at the LYS tomorrow after Yoga class. Gotta love Ravelry - I never would have found that pattern otherwise.
I finally got around to 'registering' as a designer on Ravelry. I have a tiny little pattern I plan to put on as a free download as soon as it get it all polished up.