Couple of sweaters to finish out the month. Both top-down. One a test knit for pipibird on ravelry and one a cowl-neck based on Barbara Walker's Top-Down Raglan. Details on my ravelry pages.
Christmas knitting currently underway.
Looking forward to starting my Yarn-of-the-month in January! I plan to 'draw' a stash yarn each month and knit with whatever it is. Here are my 'rules':
- 'drawing' takes place on the first
- eligible yarns are those listed in my ravelry stash but NOT those on the trade/sell page
- yarns destined to be afghans will not be included
- ideally I would finish before the next drawing, but I know things won't always work out that way. I will still draw the next yarn on the first though.
I think this will be fun - the downside to the knitting internet is the tendency to buy too much yarn, queue too many projects, and feel overwhelmed. This will cut the choices down to managable levels and I've made sure that I really want to knit with all the yarns in my stash! I think... maybe I'd better go take one more look.