I checked the book out, ordered some yarn, and so began my adventure with this awesome craft. Luckily I choose a very soft, beautiful yarn - Aurora 8 - mostly because it came in lots of colors and was washable. It was like knitting with clouds. As the squares became more and more difficult, I learned about increasing and decreasing, lace and colorwork, cables and twisted stitches. Oddly enough, I didn't make it to the short row square that was the basis for my Lizard Ridge pattern.
I wanted to make DD an afghan out of Kureyon to take to college. She loves Kureyon, and I thought if I used a bunch of different colors it would serve as her own personal color card. I started looking for a pattern but couldn't find anything that really made good use of the long color runs. I saw entrelac and mitered squares. but I wanted something different. I was flipping through my copy of Barbara's book (a gift from DH) and started looking at that short row block. I had some ideas about changing the color arrangement, came up with this on my first try!
Now for some more recent stuff -
More coasters for another knitting friend -

In other news, I finished the second quarter in the green (i.e. more stash out than in) but will be in the red soon for this quarter - lots of yarn coming in. Hopefully I will get back in the green pretty quickly. I have 2 projects almost done and lots more knitting planned.