Friday, December 9, 2011

I lied...

... about being done with shawls. In the spirit of finishing things up before the end of the year, I picked up a couple of hibernating projects and decided to publish the pattern as I have had several requests for it.

I knit the original in 2010 and got some positive feedback on Ravelry. A couple of months later, after finding some errors in the GARTER STITCH section (!!!) and a pulling accident involving our kitten, I decided to rip back and reknit since I also wanted to start the ruffle sooner. As I was working on it in the fuzzy alpaca yarn, I decided I should knit it first in a yarn more forgiving of being ripped back and cast on in the Rowan Feleted Tweed you see above. As I worked on it I decided to curve the ends a bit. I can't quite remember why (hot weather maybe?) but I put it aside with only about half of the ruffle left to knit. It took about 2 days to finish when I picked it up again the other day. I have a request out on Ravelry for some testers and hope to have the pattern available by the first of the year.

I haven't abandoned my Yarn of the Month scheme, but I am WAY behind! Last month's yarn was duly drawn and is in my queue. It may take me all of 2012 to get this year's drawings knit up! I have finished 7 of the projects and have the other 5 planned out for the most part. I don't think I will do this next year simply because I am so behind. Maybe in 2013! It's fun and I like starting with the yarn and finding the perfect project, but getting bitten by the designing bug has caused some severe setbacks for the plan!