I actually cast on for this a little over a week ago. It's the Olive Branch Yoga Hoodie from WEBS. I've never knit a sweater from the top down before, and I'm loving it! The hood is done, but not seamed yet, the sleeves are done, and last night I started on the lower body. Can't wait to get to the cable in the center back. I hope to have it done to wear to my knitting group next week.
I finished the back panel of the Not-so-warm Einstein and put it away for the season. It's not good to knit with a big old pile of wool in your lap this time of year! The other day I pulled the warm-weather projects out of the bin -
Heartland Shawl. Henry's Attic Monty 3/9.
There's one other project I forgot to photograph - a cabled sweater in Cotton Patiné that has had a traumatic childhood. I knit all the pieces, but the sleeves faded (not sure why - I don't think they were in the sun...) so much that they don't look like the same yarn. The current plan is to leave the sleeves off and make it into a sleeveless top. We'll see. It may end up in the trash.